Windsor Knolls Middle School Tech Ed Elective Classes
Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Fernandes, & Mrs. Church
Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more. ~Nicola Tesla
Straw Bridge Challenge
Bridges built out of plastic straws?? No way! Those skimpy little things you drink your soda through couldn't possibly hold a metal truck. Or could they? WKMS students show just how the principles of physics, engineering, and strong design can turn wimpy straws into a bridge capable of holding a 6.5 lb metal truck.
Look in the upper-left hand corner of my home page for links to web sites that help bridge builders.
We will particpate in the FCPS Tech Fair on Tuesday, February 24th, 2015 at 6pm (snow date February 26). Our school, like all other Frederick County Middle Schools, will be able to send 2 teams of 2-4 students to compete in the challenge.
On April 25, from 10-12, the Baltimore Museum of Industry will host the MD Engineering Challenge for Straw Bridges. I will accompany any FCPS teams that are competing. Any team that has a working bridge and a strong written report are eligible to compete here.